Tuesday, October 18, 2005


Epilogue, to my other poem!
This is exactly what I have prepared for my mid-term exam today!!! :-)

Of a lady,
Of her talk,
Writing Poems,
Are my thoughts.

Of her beauty,
Of her care,
Of those moments,
Which we share.

Damn so crazy,
Have I gone,
Writing Poems,
All night long.

Asking questions,
Are my friends,
Who is the lady,
That gave you this bend.

Is this real?
Is this not?
Writing Poems,
Like never I thought.

Floating around,
Are words from heart,
What a lady!
What her talk!

Feels like some soul has gotten into me! :-)
At this rate, I am sure to have a long beard!!!

(Update: With refinements from DD)

Friday, October 14, 2005

Ode to A Beautiful Lady

Beautiful hair she has,
Like the gentle waves of a silent Ocean,
It dances with the air!

Beautiful eyes she has,
Like a mystic brown Universe,
It sparkles with depth!

Beautiful lips she has,
Like the alluring soft bed of Clouds,
Touching it remains a longing desire!

Beautiful voice she has,
Like the eternal sea-sound from a Conch shell,
Makes my life serene!

Beautiful stories she has,

The Princess of a fairy tale,
Waiting for the Prince!

Beautiful face she has,
The very thought of it,
Gives my heart a thousand Flares!

Beautiful hands she has,
Like the lonely Moon to a dark Sky,
A diamond ring on the left can make it bright!

Beautiful Lady that she was,
Now remains in the dreams of my heart,
Sweet Dreams, which neither start to live,
Painful Dreams, which neither end to die.


Finally!!!! :-)
(Well, technically this is not an Ode though.)